Local Governance Committee (LGC)
The Local Governance Committee of St John's School is made up of a range of people from many different backgrounds, including representatives from St John's Church (known as Foundation Governors), the local community, parents and staff. All governors are volunteers and they offer their time, skills and experience to help run the school.
What the LGC does
The role of the LGC is to work with the Head Teacher and Staff to offer all children at St John's the best educational opportunities possible. Our main task is in the area of school improvement - in practice, we continually try to make the school the best it can be. Running the school on a daily basis is the responsibility of the Head and Staff - the Local Governance Committee is responsible for:
- Ensuring that the curriculum is balanced and broadly based;
- Reporting on the standards being achieved;
- Appointment of senior staff and;
- Developing and maintaining a strategic vision for the school that reflects our distinctive Christian character and values.
Following on from an inspection by Ofsted, Governors have to draw up an action plan for the school in response to the inspection report.
How the LGC works
Governors meet as a Full Governing Body six times in an academic year. Business is conducted through meetings where we make decisions collectively as a team. Our role is strategic, while the Head, with whom we work closely, has responsibility for the day-to-day management of the school. Meetings take place early in the evening - around 6pm - and can involve a lot of paperwork so it helps to have read what we can in advance.
As well as meeting together regularly as a Governing Body, Governors like to come and visit the school and be involved in school life. We particularly enjoy attending events like concerts, sporting events, festivals and Church Services where we can celebrate the achievements of the children as well as sharing in significant moments in the life of the school. Above all, we hope to support the staff of the school in creating a safe, happy and pleasant environment in which to learn and play together.
Becoming a Governor
- Foundation Governors are nominated by St John's Church in consultation with the Archdeacon of Bath and Wells.
- Parent Governors are elected by parents for a fixed term of four years. Parents are advised in writing when a vacancy for a Parent Governor arises. This could be because a Governor completes their term of office or because they stand down. Full details of the eligibility criteria and the process for nominations and any election are provided at the time.
- Staff Governors are members of the School staff who are elected by the staffing body (both teaching and non-teaching).
- Co-opted Governors are appointed by the LGC to represent community interests or to bring specific skills to the Governing Body
Our current Local Governance Committee
If you need to contact Jon Medlin our Chair of Governors please email: clerktogovernors@stjohnsprimaryschool.org.uk or tel: 0117 986 3824.
Louisa Aldridge: Parent Governor
Term of office: 2 October 2017 - 1 October 2025
Ms Julia Bamfield: Headteacher
Term of office: 1 September 2023 - Ex Officio
Hollie Lewis: Staff Governor
Term of office: 30 September 2022 - 29 September 2026
Jonathan Medlin: Chair of Governors and Community Governor
Term of office: 19 April 2018 - 18 April 2026
Tasha Mitella: Community Governor
Term of office: 29 November 2023 - 29 November 2027
Jennifer O'Reilly: Parent Governor
Term of office: 1 July 2021 - 31 June 2025
Paul Trueman: Foundation Governor
Term of office: 22 August 2022 - 21 August 2026
Duncan Tyler: Parent Governor
Term of office: 28 November 2018 - 27 November 2026
Sandra Yeoman: Staff Governor
Term of office: 23 February 2018 - 22 February 2026
Clerk to Governors:
Email: clerktogovernors@stjohnsprimaryschool.org.uk
Tel: 0117 986 3824
Recently resigned
With our sincere thanks for their service
Tom Gent
Term of office: 27 February 2020 - 26 February 2024
Claire Lowe
Term of office: 10 April 2017 - 31 August 2024
Further information
Futura Learning Partnership
Our staff
Senior leadership team
Headteacher: Mrs Julia Bamfield
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Samantha Bruton
Assistant Headteacher: Mr Tom Livingston
SENCO/Inclusion Leader: Mrs Megan Hudd
Administration staff
Office Administrator: Mrs Aimee Clark
Clerical Assistant: Mrs Emma Ward
Site manager
Site Manager: Ms Mandy Perrin
School nurse
Specialist Lead School Nurse: Ellie Hunt (t: 01225 831666)
Teaching staff
Reception Teacher: Miss Alix Costello
Year 1 Teacher: Miss Jessica Williams and Mrs Megan Hudd
Year 2 Teachers: Mr Tom Livingston and Mrs Laura Jefferis
Year 3 Teacher: Mrs Samantha Bruton
Year 4 Teacher: Miss Isabel Taylor
Year 5 Teacher: Miss Lucy Diamond
Year 6 Teacher: Mrs Katie Bowers
Maternity Leave: Miss Hollie Lewis
Maternity Leave: Miss Megan Rees
Learning support
Pastoral and Learning Support Mentor: Mrs Sandra Yeoman
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Leasa Luker
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Rachel Barnett
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Trasee Terry
Teaching Assistant: Mr Steven Warne
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Lynne Pitts
Teaching Assistant: Ms Sarah Watkins
Teaching Assistant: Miss Chloe Smith
Teaching Assistant: Miss Maia Meister
Apprentice Teaching Assistant: Mrs Gemma Tomlin
Higher Level Teaching Assistant:
Catering staff
Catering Manager: Miss Jade Harris
Catering Assistant:
School meals staff
School Meals Assistant: Miss Calley Sheperd
School Meals Assistant: Mrs Louise Lockyer
School Meals Assistant: Ms Sarah Watkins
Ofsted and Siams inspections
Ofsted inspection
Our most recent Ofsted inspection took place on on the 2nd and 3rd July 2024, where we were judged to be 'Good' in all areas, other than personal development which was graded as 'Outstanding'.
St John’s was described as a “purposeful learning environment”, where adults know children and families well and have high expectations of pupils.
The inspectors praised
a clear vision for what the school want pupils to know and remember;
- a broad and ambitious curriculum that is well sequenced;
- a strong start for children in early years, with an emphasis on oracy communication and language;
- excellent support to help pupils develop a love of reading;
- expert delivery of the phonics programme, thanks to ongoing coaching, training and support.
“The school’s commitment to all pupils taking a full and active role in all aspects of school life is impressive,”
You can read the full Ofsted report (Pdf, 172kb)
SIAMS inspection
We are proud to present our exceptional report from the National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) conducted in July 2018.
You can read the full SIAMS report (Pdf, 124kb)
SATs results
Our latest SATs results for KS1 and 2 are below, together with results from the EYFS and Year 1 phonic screening test:
If you'd like to read more about the school then please see the government's school profile and performance tables.
School policies
- Accessibility policy (Pdf)
- Admission arrangements 2023/2024 (Pdf)
- Admission arrangements 2024/2025 (Pdf)
- Admission arrangements 2025/2026 (Pdf)
- Anti-bullying policy (Pdf)
- Attendance policy (Pdf)
- CCTV policy
- Charging and remissions policy and appendix or request for remission form (MS Word, 21kb)
- Child protection and safeguarding policy (Pdf)
- Complaints procedure policy
- Data protection policy
- Drugs policy (Pdf)
- Early years foundation stage (EYFS) policy
- Equalities Objectives Policy (Pdf)
- Equality and diversity policy
- Exclusion policy (Pdf)
- Freedom of information policy
- Health and safety policy (Pdf)
- Home school agreement (Pdf)
- Inclusion policy
- Online safety policy
- Play policy
Positive Behaviour policy
- Privacy notice for pupils
- Pupil privacy; third party data handlers
- Relationships and sex education (RSE) policy (Pdf)
- Safer recruitment policy
- SEND local offer (Pdf)
- SEND policy and information report (Pdf)
- SEND policy parent friendly advice (Pdf)
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy
- Teaching and learning policy and procedures (Pdf)
- Uniform policy (Pdf)
- Whistleblowing (concern at work) policy
For more information see the Futura Learning Partnership's policies.
Pupil premium
At St John’s CofE Primary School we are committed to providing an education full of opportunities that will prepare all pupils for their future with a positive attitude and an ambition to be the best they can be.
The Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. It is based on the number of pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point over the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’) and also provides funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months and the children of service personnel. Schools are free to decide how to allocate Pupil Premium funding and we recognise that within our school there are children (some of whom are not eligible for Free school Meals) who may at any point during their school career require additional support and intervention.
We are committed to meeting the children's pastoral, social and academic needs in a nurturing environment. If you believe you may be eligible for Free School Meals but have not already registered this with us, please do so as soon as possible. It is important to note that although EYFS and KS1 children currently receive school meals without charge, an application should you be eligible would be beneficial, since the additional funding can help the school to provide for your child in many other ways.
Schools have the freedom to spend Pupil Premium funding in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils and we aim to diminish the differences in progress and achievement between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. All staff are accountable for the progress of these children who are given a high profile. When deciding how to spend the pupil premium allocation we look at barriers faced by disadvantaged pupils in the context of our school and focus spending on addressing these barriers to learning. Each pupil is unique in their situation and our response to their needs reflects this.
Progress and attainment of pupils is carefully tracked and analysed termly and additional support is quickly put in place to support pupils as required. Interventions are targeted to ensure eligible children benefit from the funding. In making provision for disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all children who are disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We therefore reserve the right to allocate Pupil Premium funding to support any child or groups of children identified as being disadvantaged.
The impact of the pupil premium at St John’s CofE Primary School
Pupil premium funding is allocated to schools based on the number of children from families who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals entitlement (FSM) now or within the last 6 years.
For details on how the pupil premium is utilised and the impact it has at St John’s C of E Primary School please see our plan for 2024-25. This includes a review for 2023-24.
Does your child qualify for the Pupil Premium?
If your child qualifies for free schools meals or you are in the armed forces, the school will, in return, receive additional funding to support them. Please follow the link below to see if you meet the criteria, or alternatively, please contact the school office for further guidance.
Registering for free school meals
If you think you might be entitled to free school meals you can check the full information on the B&NES website.
If you prefer to apply by post or email, you can download the Free School Meals registration form from the B&NES website here. You can also ask for a form from the school office if you would prefer to come into school.
You can also apply by phone on 01225 394317.
Equality objectives
Our equality objectives:
- To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experience, both in and beyond the school.
- To ensure that all pupils are given similar opportunities with regards to after-school clubs and activities
- To eradicate prejudice related to bullying in relation to the protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010
- Actively close gaps in attainment and achievement between pupils and all groups of pupils; especially students eligible for free-school meals, students with special educational needs and disabilities and looked after children.
For more information please see the equality and diversity policy and our Equalities Objectives Policy.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
We are a fully inclusive mainstream primary school, committed to supporting and challenging all pupils to achieve their full potential.
More information
- SEND policy and information report
- SEND policy and parent-friendly advice
- Equalities Objectives Policy
- Equality and diversity policy
- Accessibility policy
- St John's local offer
Our SENDCo/Inclusion Leader, Mrs Megan Hudd, can be contacted by emailing senco@stjohnsprimaryschool.org.uk
Futura Learning Partnership
St John's CofE Primary School converted to academy status on 1st September 2015. We are a Futura Learning Partnership school.
Futura Learning Partnership
Registered office: Chandag Road, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1PH
Tel: 0117 946 1229
Email: enquiries@futuralearning.co.uk
Website: www.futuralearning.co.uk
A charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 07746787
Further information:
Music Development Plan
All schools should have a music development plan, as set out in the national plan for music education.
Please click on this link to find our Music Development Plan for 2024-2025.
Sport and PE premium funding
In the academic year 2023-24, £18 110 of funding has been allocated to St John’s Primary School. Please see how we plan to spend this funding, please also see the report from 2022-2023 which outlines how the funding was applied during this time.
Purpose of the funding
St John's Primary is part of a strong and established School Sports Partnership which supports our school closely in the delivery and provision of high quality PE and Sport.
Parents, Teachers Association (PTA)
The PTA (officially known as St John's School Association) is open to parents, carers, staff and governors who are interested in the welfare of the children and their school.
We hold a number of fund-raising events throughout the year and meet every couple of months to plan and discuss events. We are always open to new members and anyone can join our meetings.
If you do not wish to join the PTA you can still support us by helping out at our fundraising events.
If you wish to be involved or find out more, please leave your contact details with the school office.
If you’re planning on shopping online, please register and shop with Easyfundraising. You’ll be helping to raise funds at no extra cost to you – it’s fundraising for free with thousands of retailers are included. To sign up to Easyfundraising you can register here.
Financial summary
Colour Run
Feedback: your views
Parent View provides parents and carers an opportunity to give their views on the school.
To give your views please login to Parent View.
St John's CofE Primary School is a Futura Learning Partnership School. Futura Learning Partnership employs 1,500 staff, serving nearly 12,000 children in 26 schools. We value every employee and are committed to creating excellent professional development opportunities for all, as well as investing in staff wellbeing.
We have lots of great career opportunities within our trust; take a look at the current vacancies.
To discover how joining our team could benefit you, please visit the Futura website’s career section.
Request a printed copy
Should you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please contact the school office tel: 0117 9863824 or email: enquiries@stjohnskeynsham.co.uk where we will take details of your request and provide copies as soon as possible.
Privacy Notice
Please see the Futura Learning Partnership's privacy notice.
For more information